

For the last decade, Tiff has worked alongside youth and adolescents. Whether it’s tackling friendship challenges, negative inner voices, or homelife struggles, it can be helpful to increase strategies for coping. Tiff has worked extensively with issues such as anxiety, depression, suicide ideation, and disordered eating, as well as family dynamics and substance use. Tiff’s approach to working with youth is to actively listen, encourage healthy boundaries, and respect their thoughts and autonomy as maturing individuals.

Young Adults

Identity growth is one of Tiff’s deepest passions. Transforming from our youth years, and emerging into young adults, comes with a unique set of challenges. As we develop our identities, we often find ourselves at crossroads and questions of who we are. Tiff’s professional life goal, and the subject of their thesis, is to explore hyphenated identities and how different aspects of one’s life intersect to create who we are and how we go about the world.


In addition to working alongside youth for the past decade, Tiff has also worked closely with the important people and adults in youths’ lives. Collaborating on providing the best support for adolescents, Tiff’s role with adults highlights the existing strengths of the relationship and encourages effective communication. Resilient relationships uphold resilient individuals.


While working alongside youth and the important adults in their life, Tiff has often facilitated conversations between generations and holding space for challenging dialogues. Opening up and sharing worries and anxieties can be vulnerable experiences, especially when there are societal and cultural expectations of how we are to act toward the other generation. In our sessions together, each voice will be respected and heard.